Monday, June 17, 2013



How did my feelings change after I watch the movie.....

I felt really sad, I would not like to be in her shoes because she was to a point to suicide, and she felt really bad with depression.I was surprise when I figure out, after the movie, of this teens are attached to a social web site and feel really confortable but when I saw in the movie of  how a friend of this girl create the profile and talk about her really bad I figure out that  also our friends can ruin our life and make us cyberbullying.

What I learn...........

I learn that cyberbullying can guide kids and teens, more teens, to suicide and also start depression. Cyberbullying is a big problem around the world and is really bad to see how many kids and teens suffer of cyberbullying. I also learn that friends also could be a bully. I honestly feel that cyberbullying is a very delicate problem and hits directly to feelings. Cyberbullying is a bad problem.


What is cyberbullying......

My definition: Cyberbullying is the use of electronic machines to bother and make feel bad other people, cyberbullying makes teens to suicide and also start a depressions.Cyberbullying is bullying using technology. Cyberbullying is a big problem because it most affect feelings and also hits self-steem. Cyberbullying is making teens and kids to suffer.


Consequenses of cyberbullying.........

Cyberbullying is a big problem that affects kids and teens. Some consequenses are depression and suicide because kids and teens nare sad and feel without option. Teens make alot of things to suicide because most of the times they feel sad and not accepted. A lot of people when they are bullyied start to feel so sad and bad  and they feel realy alone, this is how a lot of people, most teens, start with a depression. With cyberbullying kids and teens suffer. This is a big and delicate problem and should not continue. Cyberbullying is, in my opinion, the worst problem ever.